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How we came to be . . .

The idea and products produced by Enjoy Nature, actually came about quite by accident. The outdoors where we live in Florida is truly a great place, with the numerous state parks and natural habitat that’s really quite unique. The only down side is that almost all year round we have to contend with mosquitos and other flying pests. It was only when my younger son wanted to go camping one summer vacation that I learned what was available for natural mosquito protection. While we prepared the camp site, set up our tents and getting ready to enjoy our vacation, I soon realized that we were missing a bug repellent. I headed out to local big box store, the only products were deet or other chemical based repellents and last thing I wanted to do was end up breathing that stuff. Finding such a serious lack of options, I felt there should be a safer, natural alternative for those that care about what they use and their families. That was the seed that grew into what is now Enjoy Nature, a company that makes products that help us enjoy time with our families while keeping bugs away and are safe for the environment. When you use our product, you are making a difference in the lives of the people that make it. You are also helping your family by using a natural alternative to harmful chemicals. Last but not least, you are also helping the environment by not polluting the ground or our water systems with harmful poisons. We thank you and appreciate your support for using this product and making a lasting difference.

Raj Bulsara
for Enjoy Nature


A labor of love

In early 2014 we start experimenting with various oils to create an effective mosquito repellent using natural oils and woods to create a natural repellent that has a pleasant aroma and is effective in repelling mosquitos and flying insects. After two years in development and field testing in Florida and India, we finalize a formulation that effective and smells great. The best thing NO TOXINS!! It's like aromatherapy for the outdoors. Any bugs that are in the vicinity of the mosquito stick, simply fly away from the fragrance, leaving you in peace to enjoy nature bug free for at least 2 hours !!

First production arrives...

In January of 2016 the product is officially launched at the Outdoor Retailer Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. Receiving a great response from retailers that understood and welcomed a natural alternative to toxic chemical repellents. Our first production sells out !!

Early summer new shipments arrive just in time to battle bug season. Families get to enjoy the summer and much pain and bug bites are averted !!!

Making a difference

As our products become more popular, we are able to provide full time employment to women in rural parts of India. Enjoy Nature products are made with all natural ingredients by Fair Trade Incense Works in the outskirts of Mumbai, India. The aim of this factory is to empower local women that would otherwise not find work outside of their homes, by providing great working conditions and above average wages. These women are now able to support themselves and their families and ensure their children can attend school and pursue a complete education. When you use this product, you are making a difference in the lives of the people that make it.